RTT – Rapid Transformational Therapy Guide

Bad childhood experiences. Trauma. Physical Ailments. At some point in our lives, we hit obstacles that seem too impossible to overcome.

However, if you explore the option of Rapid Transformational Therapy, then the results might surprise you…and lead you down the path of resolution and peace.

What is Rapid Transformational Therapy?

Rapid Transformational Therapy, or RTT, represents a unique hybrid therapy.

It connects several powerful self-transformational and improvement techniques.

Imge credit: MUTI

While focusing on the physical and emotional healing, the techniques involved with this therapeutic approach combine the following:

  • Hypnotherapy—this form of guided hypnosis places a person in a trance-like state to where he or she can focus inward to discover resources that will help change behavior or regain control of specific aspects of their life.
  • Psychotherapy—also known as “talk therapy,” this helps a person to pinpoint and alter certain behaviors, thoughts, or feelings.
  • CBT (or cognitive behavioral therapy) –the goal of this form of psychotherapy is to modify thought patterns in order to change behaviors; best known for the development of “coping skills” in the face of fearful situations.
  • NLP (or neurolinguistic programming)—this combination of communication, behavioral, and perceptual techniques enable people to alter their thoughts and actions.

As you can see, many of the time-honored methodologies of treating clients are incorporated into one practice.

Plus, this range of techniques provides a multi-modal roadmap for clients to overcome fears, manage chronic conditions, and take on life-changing behaviors.

The most significant aspect that separates Rapid Transformational Therapy from other well-known methodologies is the so-called Rapid Transformative Effect.

With the help and guidance of certified RTT therapists, clients could end up with life-changing outcomes, no matter if sessions are done face to face or online.

The sessions are focused on getting access to valuable information located in the subconscious mind.

Many times, this information can be stored there for years. This therapy gives clients extraordinary results in just 1 to 3 sessions.

Its administration aims to uncover, reframe, and expand our beliefs, values, habits, and emotions that are immersed in our subconscious.

This is done through the rewiring of the brain’s neural pathways; the therapy targets irrelevant belief systems and negative behavior patterns to form positive beliefs.

Who developed Rapid Transformational Therapy?

Marisa Peer, a highly acclaimed therapist, developed and perfected this set of methods over the course of 30 years.

She based her practice on neuroscience, that offers fast, effective results by combining the previously mentioned principles of Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy, NLP and CBT.

According to Peer, RTT was created to accommodate a therapy that, although seemingly unconventional, will help clients to discover, master, and finally change their exact mind process that leads to negative thoughts or actions without the need to spend decades trying.

Interestingly enough, she has helped patients to work through their issues in the course of three sessions.  

In addition to her thriving practice, she has also developed a successful training and certification program for individuals who strive to be RTT practitioners.

What types of conditions do RTT Practitioners Treat?

Practitioners have treated a wide range of maladies with Rapid Transformational Therapy, including:

  • depression and anxiety
  • phobia
  • weight loss issues
  • procrastination
  • compulsive behavior
  • addictions
  • chronic illnesses
  • trauma
  • PTSD
  • addiction
  • panic attacks
  • concentration and memory issues
  • insomnia
  • feelings of inadequacy
  • relationship issues

Moreover, patients have sought out Rapid Transformational Therapy for medical issues that have a psycho somatic basis and other health issues include migraines, skin conditions, and IBS.

Basically, the origin of the condition is addressed during sessions.

Success has also been reported in some of the following scenarios:

  • Children and teens who have been bullied
  • Bullies who have completely changed their behavior
  • People who overcome money blocks to find success

How does Rapid Transformational Therapy Work?

Rapid Transformational Therapy adopts the principles of neuroplasticity, or complete flexibility of one’s way of thinking, in the attempt to develop new neural pathways in the person’s mind.

Also, the goal of this type of therapy is to provide the individual with the ability to reframe old negative behaviors and beliefs.

However, a client would need to remember that a session in Rapid Transformational Therapy does not necessarily signify a “shortcut”.

To overcome deep-seated issues such as anxiety and depression and produce meaningful outcomes requires both time, energy, and work.

 This is because the session sometimes involves regression where individuals are taken through past experiences to enable them to draw clear and new understandings about their effects.

At the same time, the client participates in a more relaxed state which offsets much of the difficulty.

Therefore, an RTT session may last between 90 to 120 minutes, and as such, many professionals might even advise setting aside 2 hours to also allow for the client to ask any questions or address concerns.

Can Rapid Transformational Therapy Heal the Effects of Past Memories?

Rapid Transformational Therapy gets the client in touch with the subconscious part of the mind through a mixture of tools.

Depending on what the client’s end goal is, the used techniques will help the client to make key self-realizations which will help them to close that part of their past and move forward.

Oftentimes, a regression can occur when the client reveals relevant memories that have the answer to why he or she started that self-defeating process or engaged in detrimental thoughts that created the problem in the first place.

Usually, long-buried childhood memories tend to rise to the surface and become crystal clear.

Once this self-realization takes place, and the key to the limiting beliefs is revealed, the next step in the equation is hypnosis.

This can take place in subsequent sessions thereafter and is used to rebuild the thought patterns in an advantageous positive way.

The hypnosis would be connected to revelations related to the client’s obstacles, as well as to what should be solved during the session.

While this is 60% of the overall transformation, the other 40% goes to the listening of the personalized hypnosis track.

The track is recorded during the session, and the client is tasked with listening to it for the next 21 days.

The outcome should result in new neurological pathways that are correctly aligned with the client’s goal.

It works for many people who want to improve their behavior patterns or to feel better about themselves.

If you want to improve a specific area of your life, Rapid Transformational Therapy is a great approach to use.

Why Choose Rapid Transformational Therapy?

Rapid Transformational Therapy has been known to work for millions of people.

This ground-breaking form of therapy won 13 awards in 2018.

Furthermore, RTT is basically based on improving our outlook on life and self.

By enabling us to form positive affirmations about ourselves and our experiences, we are able to build positive behavior patterns, values, and beliefs.

Because this approach has been known to integrate techniques from psychotherapy, NLP, hypnotherapy, and cognitive behavioral therapy, it provides professionals with a means of dealing with a wide array of issues in their clients.

Therefore, the client is able to get access to high-quality care through the redress of several issues using a simple and effective method.

RTT could basically work for anyone looking for personal growth in various stages of their life.

For instance, if you want to develop a positive career path, to establish better relationships in your life, or to improve oneself and a sense of worth, RTT provides a good opportunity to do that.

When you choose RTT, you are choosing to commit to creating a better lifestyle, better decision-making abilities, and profound transformations in your life.

Is RTT effective?

What sets apart RTT from other forms of therapy is the provision of permanent change and works rapidly while offering the individual with the ability to form a new perception without judgment.

Thus with RTT, you are getting holistic mind renewal from discovering root causes, uncovering limiting beliefs, reframing past experiences, reclaiming your confidence, and rewiring self for success and positive vibes.

Is Rapid Transformational Therapy Dangerous?

As with many other methodologies in the mental health field, some might perceive RTT to be ineffective if not dangerous.

After all, for those who are familiar with the practice, it could appear to be just another way to “mess” with another person’s mind since hypnosis is involved.

Nonetheless, Peer dispels of the many myths that surround the hypnotherapy aspect.

For starters, a person can’t stay under hypnosis. And he or she can’t be coerced or fooled into doing something that he or she doesn’t want to do.

Basically, this feature is just a building block in the entire set of methods and is used primarily for relaxation.

What does a typical RTT session look like?

Usually before the first session the therapist will call you to talk about what you want to achieve and to get to know you.

The typical session can last from an hour and a half to two hours.

Some therapists give their clients the option of meeting in a safe space of their choice or, in light of today’s conditions, utilizing a communication platform online.

Most often, therapist will meet in their office.

During this session you will look at the issue(s) and figure out what caused it, how to deal with it, and how it can be changed.

You will pinpoint what caused your manner of thinking and the issues that subsequently occur as a result.

Rapid Transformational Therapy teaches you how to change those beliefs about yourself.

You will learn how to turn off all negative self-talk and self-defeating ways of thinking such as:

  • I am not brave enough
  •  I have tried every diet and have not lost weight
  •  I get panic attacks when I go out in crowds.

All in all, you will access your subconscious and reprogram your brain to think positively and overcome most of your worst fears in order to achieve your goals.

Other Benefits of Rapid Transformational Therapy

In relation to both emotional and physical maladies, RTT enables the mind to tell the body to heal itself by utilizing a technique known as command cell therapy.

It also tells the body how to react and feel as it alters and improves the messages the body sends to the brain in response to different stimuli.

Clients, therefore, learn to uncover the meaning and interpretation behind events and how to change them.

For instance, a client will learn to deal with depression and anxiety and to prevent panic attacks from occurring after undergoing RTT.

The goal is to deliver permanent change as quickly as possible, thus allowing clients to live healthier happier lives.

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