201 Self-Worth & Self-Love Affirmations That Work

Did you know that loving yourself is something you can learn?

Think of your self-worth as if it were a plant. When you water it, it grows. When you neglect it, the plant becomes droopy and a shadow of what it could be.

The first step to growing your self-worth is to recognize that you are deserving of love. More specifically, you are deserving of your own love. A great way to unlock this belief is through the use of positive self-worth affirmations.

If you’re looking for some great examples to use, read on to see our list of 201 self-love and self-worth affirmations.

Before continuing, it’s probably a good idea to understand the importance of self-worth.

Why is self-worth and self-love so important?

What makes self-worth so important is that it directly impacts all our choices and actions.

When you have low self-worth, you are more likely to shy away from challenges or things that scare you. By doing this, you limit your own potential.

self-worth is very important
Image credit: Liza Rusalskaya

For example, imagine one thing that you always wanted to try. You know it would make you happy, yet you hear someone small-minded to put your dream down, and then the idea is abandoned.

Essentially, you didn’t trust your own judgment, and this comes down to a low level of self-worth.

“With realisation of one’s own potential and self confidence in one’s ability, one can build a better world”Dalai Lama

That thing could make you happy. It also might have failed – but the failure would teach them an invaluable lesson.

If you don’t learn to love and trust yourself, then you will live your whole life following the ideals of others and that’s why self-worth is so important.

To help with your own feelings of self-esteem, try using some of the self-love and self-worth affirmations from the list below.

201 Self-Love and Self-Worth Affirmations

Let’s start with positive affirmations for self-worth.

Remember, pick 5-10 affirmations and repeat them consistently for 30 days. Also, get more actionable tips here (opens in new window).

101 Self-Worth Affirmations

list of self-worth affirmations
Image credit: Liza Rusalskaya
  1. I am a problem-solver. Every problem is a chance to grow.
  2. I think positively and expect the best
  3. I am open to and welcome new experiences
  4. Life is beautiful and rewarding
  5. The universe has plans for my success
  6. I only attract positive people and events into my life
  7. I radiate love wherever I go
  8. I inspire people to be better
  9. I relish the small joys of life
  10. I am courageous and willing to seek new challenges
  11. I am aware of my strength
  12. I move and act with confidence
  13. I am in the driving seat of my life
  14. Belief in myself is a natural feeling
  15.  I attract good energy into my life
  16. I am worthy of experiencing wonderful relationships
  17. People love being with me
  18. My feelings of self-worth are growing every day
  19. I deserve abundance and wealth
  20. My co-workers appreciate me
  21. I respect my limits but am always looking to increase them
  22. I am making a difference in this world
  23. I deserve the life I desire
  24. I am worthy of pursuing my dreams
  25. I am loveable in my own unique way
  26. I am brave, I am loved, I am good enough
  27. I am fearless
  28. I possess the natural ability to grow
  29. I am capable of handling anything that comes my way
  30. I am grateful for my capabilities
  31. I cherish the feeling of being alive
  32. I am committed to improving myself
  33. I have complete confidence in my ideas and decisions
  34. I have nothing to prove to anyone
  35. Obstacles are simply challenges I must overcome
  36. I am keeping my body healthy
  37. I’m in control of my destiny
  38. I am my own sunshine
  39. I am worthy of a wonderful life
  40. I accomplish my duties effortlessly
  41. I smash through any obstacles in my way
  42. I am a positive example for others
  43. I enjoy and find fulfillment in helping others
  44. I am adventurous and bold
  45. I am confident around others
  46. The love I have for myself is the basis for my confidence
  47. I am doing a great job
  48. I never stop learning new things
  49. I keep an open mind
  50. I am ready to forgive myself for mistakes I make
  51. I support my co-workers
  52. I choose where to channel my energy and time
  53. I constantly surpass expectations
  54. I am open to all the possibilities ahead of me
  55. I have what it takes to achieve my goals
  56. I am the master of my life
  57. I am protected by my self-worth
  58. My uniqueness is a gift to the world
  59. I enjoy and earn admiration and respect
  60. I am worthy of acceptance
  61. My confidence is powerful
  62. I approach people with authenticity and confidence
  63. Interacting with me is a wonderful experience
  64. I am proud of what I have already accomplished
  65. My past mistakes have made me stronger
  66. Every day, my positive qualities grow
  67. I feed my self-worth positive thoughts
  68. When I think positively, good things happen
  69. I am powerful, capable, and confident
  70. I make wise decisions
  71. Confidence comes easily to me
  72. I start each day with a grateful heart
  73. I am wonderfully made
  74. I am always true to myself
  75. I find the positives in any situation
  76. I celebrate my achievements
  77. I keep my focus on my goals and dreams
  78. I grow from difficult times
  79. In every situation, I think like a winner
  80. I hold great importance
  81. I achieve great things
  82. I see endless opportunities ahead of me
  83. I am aware of my strong qualities
  84. I accept myself for who I am
  85. I am strong and resilient
  86. I won’t worry about the small things
  87. I can and I will
  88. Self-worth is what I thrive on
  89. I attract loving and confident people into my life
  90. I am the only judge of my self-worth
  91. I am competent, determined, and confident
  92. I radiate confidence
  93. My mind is full of positive thoughts
  94. I create joy for others every day
  95. I feel peaceful and content
  96. I appreciate all the positivity in my life
  97. I have unlimited energy
  98. I am healthy, fit, and strong
  99. I feel fulfilled, grateful, and at peace
  100. I always see the good in people, including myself
  101. I effortlessly achieve a high sense of self-worth

100 Self-love affirmations

self-love affirmations
Image credit: Liza Rusalskaya
  1. I love myself as I love others
  2. My heart is open to receiving love, both from others and myself
  3. Love is abundant in my life
  4. I am worthy of the love the universe has to offer
  5. I feel safe and secure within myself
  6. My thoughts are my safe space
  7. I accept myself just the way I am
  8. I let go of any urge to criticize myself
  9. I let go of my negative beliefs
  10. I am beautiful, inside and out
  11. I have great trust in myself
  12. I radiate love and happiness
  13. I open myself up to new experiences
  14. I live life to the fullest
  15. My self-love brings out the best version of myself
  16. Every day, I become more enthusiastic and energetic towards life
  17. I deserve to be loved
  18. Feelings of self-love come naturally to me
  19. I welcome feelings of love into my life
  20. I am focused on enjoying my life
  21. I deserve to feel happy and content
  22. I let go of the need to judge my body
  23. I am not my mistakes
  24. I am loved
  25. I am a magnificent human being
  26. I honor and cherish my inner voice
  27. My opinion matters
  28. I have more power than I can begin to imagine
  29. I appreciate myself
  30. I am completely comfortable with myself and my path
  31. My body is my vehicle in achieving my dreams
  32. I let feelings of love in
  33. I am love
  34. I have my own back
  35. My struggles make me stronger
  36. Love flows from me
  37. I am deserving of infinite compassion
  38. The people around me bring out the best in me
  39. My body is beautiful
  40. I feel great pride in myself
  41. I am blessed
  42. I feel empowered to change my life
  43. The average is not in my vocabulary. I excel
  44. I am not defined by my negative emotions or thoughts
  45. My confidence is through the roof
  46. I am exactly who I need to be
  47. My prosperity increases every day
  48. I have a caring and loving heart
  49. I don’t take criticism to heart
  50. My choices are based on inner wisdom
  51. I don’t need anything but myself to feel happiness
  52. I cherish my individuality
  53. I embrace and own my flaws
  54. I practice self-love and the benefits are endless
  55. The universe wants me to succeed
  56. I have what it takes to follow my dreams
  57. I am in control of my fears
  58. My life is full of love
  59. I have divine inner beauty
  60. I will stand up for myself
  61. I care for myself as much as I care for others
  62. Love is everywhere
  63. I have the tools I need to succeed
  64. Self-love comes to me with ease
  65. I deserve the good things in my life
  66. Every step I take is one of courage
  67. I have made it this far and I will continue going
  68. My individuality gives me confidence
  69. I am my own best friend
  70. I overcome negativity with love and compassion
  71. I am pure, beautiful, and authentic
  72. I am worthy of unlimited compassion
  73. I protect myself from negative energy
  74. It’s OK to express the pain
  75. My life is a beautiful journey
  76. I have so much to be proud of
  77. I am blessed to have a wise soul
  78. I am patient with myself and those around me
  79. I appreciate who I am and look up to who I am becoming
  80. My self-love becomes greater every day
  81. I am blessed with a brilliant mind
  82. I am unstoppable
  83. I am outstanding
  84. I have the strength to overcome any adversity
  85. I don’t hold on to feelings of shame or regret
  86. I am a masterpiece
  87. Great opportunities flow to me
  88. I am prepared for the road ahead of me
  89. I am open to receiving miracles
  90. I give my best in everything I do
  91. I am always looking to improve myself
  92. I am at peace with myself
  93. I am forgiving and I let go of all that hurts me
  94. I release negative thoughts that do not serve me
  95. I am worthy of a wonderful life
  96. I observe my emotions neutrally. They do not define me
  97. I trust my journey
  98. I am beginning to learn more about myself
  99. I give myself the love I need
  100. I’m comfortable in my own body

Using self-love and self-worth affirmations will help to give you the inner strength to face anything that comes your way.

If achieving a greater sense of self-worth is your true goal, you should also be doing some of these the things below:

3 Steps to improve your self-worth and self-love

Doing daily activities that improves your mood and your well-being is an essential to having a better self-worth and self-love.

When you are taking care of your mental and physical state, it’s a proof that you love yourself and you know your worth.

However, most of the times we forget to do things that we will benefit from and that’s a reason, why you should start doing this things:

1. Stop comparing yourself with others

OK, this is a lot easier said than done, but take a step back and think about it. What actual need is there to compare yourself with other people?

Everyone is unique, on different paths, and all started from entirely different circumstances.

You must also remember that just because someone appears to be living a fantastic life on social media, it’s not necessarily true. For many, attention on social media gives them an artificial feeling of self-worth and this is not a path you want to take.

Comparisons ultimately lead to negative self-talk, which is the root of your anxiety and stress. So, repeat self-worth affirmations and remember to focus on your own life.

2. Daily exercise

Did you know how useful exercise can be to your overall state of well-being?

Not only does it provide you with numerous physical benefits, but it also leads to greater mental health (for greater mental health, try meditation).

Think back to the last time you had a proper workout. Chances are, your levels of confidence and happiness were also heightened thereafter.

Working out makes us feel good about ourselves. So, if possible, set aside some time everyday to get some exercise.

1. Be mindful

To be able to change something about your life, you must first be aware of what it is you want to change.

Practicing mindfulness will help you become aware of your negative self-talk.

practising meditation and mindfulness
Image credit: Liza Rusalskaya

Even though self-worth affirmations will help you to destroy limiting beliefs you might have, practising meditation can help you a lot in the process.

As you do this, you’ll develop the ability to distance yourself from these negative emotions and the low feeling of self-worth they create.

Next time you criticize yourself, make a mental note of what’s happening and remember, these are just thoughts and not your reality.

Key takeaways

Never undervalue your feelings of self-worth and self-love.

Only when you truly love yourself will you be able to become the person you were destined to be.

Hopefully, you found some great examples to use in the list of self-affirmations above.

If you found value in them, make sure to check out our other lists here:

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